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Friday, November 16, 2012

obama's failed green dream

You the taxpayers are on the hook for BILLIONS of dollars and counting because of obama's dismal failure in the move from a petroleum based infrastructure to one of windmills and mirrors. In fact it is smoke and mirrors when it comes to his diatribes.The fact is that if you were to level every state in the lower 48, leaving only California and fill all that land with solar and windmills, you would still not produce enough power to keep California running.

Americans and Californians in particular need to get a grip on reality. Reality is not a concept. If you think that if the whole country went magically green overnight that it would even make a dent in the flawed theory of global warming, you are more than a few tree's short of a forest! With Chindia [China & India] building 1 coal burning plant a week EACH, there is not a chance! 
Whats more, with the failure of the Fukashima nuclear power plant disaster in Japan, it sent shock-waves around the world to the point that several countries, including Japan have decided to call it quits and go nuclear free. 

Germany and other European countries have passed laws that close down their reactors over the next decade or so. Some of you might welcome this, but they have to be replaced with something to make up the severe shortage of power they will experience. Do you have any idea what they are building, again, to make up that huge deficit of electricity? Well it doesn't spin, absorb or reflect. It IS black, abundant and very cheap.....yep you guessed it, COAL! On average it takes 10 coal burning plants to reach the same capacity of 1 nuclear plant and there are hundreds of nuclear power plants dotted all over Europe and Japan. 

Unlike Americans, they realize that going green, won't even make up 5% of the electricity they have become accustomed to. Do you people have ANY ideas that will make up the 95% you have just taken off line? NO, of course you don't.

I would luv to take all you green thumb, tree hugging imbeciles aside and strip you of all the things that you so verbosely espouse to! Lets see, we will start with your cell phones and vehicles, then cut you off the grid and leave you with your beloved windmills and mirrors,[nope, they too took energy and mining to produce] an axe to chop wood [oops, no, can't cut down trees] so you better find something for warmth and cooking...well you can see where this is going. At this rate you better PRAY for global warming or start WALKING to the tropics and live on coconuts. 

Do you still not see how absurd your cries of insane demands are? No you don't. You never will, but you will carry on with your outrageous hypocritical rants and still seem to think you have some semblance of credibility! You are a joke to anyone with a grade 3 education or higher with the exception of union run schools from whence you came. 

When are we going to hear what YOUR fantastic ideas YOU have on keeping this planet running without using ANYTHING you say you hate so much? Grow up and try and do something productive with your lives that might HELP others instead of trying to take away things that most of us luv and realistically, can't live without!

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