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Saturday, January 2, 2010

DumbASS of the Year!

Well folks the end of another decade has passed! Looking back over the last 10 years with all that has happened could make it very hard to find a winner out of all the candidates for the "DUMBASS of the YEAR" award. However the hardest part was made easy since the election. It narrowed it down to 1 year instead of the other 9! There was no shortage of candidates from Sen. Boxer chiding a 5 star General for calling her ma'am, which they are trained to do, to Pelosi who just cried over TV networks blaming George Bush for the 2010 elections that won't happen for another 11 months! Even so we have found 1 that stands out above the rest and here she is and why:

Yes, Janet Napolitano, DEMOCRAT from Arizona

For listing Tea Party protester, southern Christians and returning members of the military as potential domestic terrorist and right-wing extremists… you are a dumbass.
For renaming the ongoing War on Terror as an Overseas Contingency you are a dumbass.
For dropping the word terrorism from the government lexicon… you are a dumbass.
For saying that the terrorist attack on 9/11/01 was really a man-caused disaster you are a dumbass.
For claiming that ILLEGAL immigration is not a crime you are a dumbass.
For declaring that the Canadian boarder was more dangerous than the Mexican boarder you are a dumbass.
For stating that the Muslim Terrorist attacks on 9/11 came from Canada…you are a dumbass.
For allowing the spread of Swine Flu by not testing travelers from Swine Flu ground zero in Mexico you are a dumbass.
For comparing a fence along the US southern boarder to the Berlin Wall you are a dumbass.
For claiming that Homeland Security's system worked when all could see it failed you are a dumbass.
For walking back your system worked comment with system failed you are a dumbass.
Janet for you just being you… you are a dumbass.
 So congratulations Janet Napolitano!! You are the official 2009 http://www.stiffroot.com/ Dumbass of the Year! Deserving of awards and accolades to have failed so much in one short year you are the winning loser!

Save Big Cat Habitat

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