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Friday, December 11, 2009

Terrorist or not?

Well lets call a spade a spade! If it walks like a duck etc! Well if you are an Obama supporter then he is just a criminal, no different than the prisoners at Gitmo and entitled to all the rights & privileges as anyone else who is before the court sytem here. Unless you are a Navy Seal in which case the Obama Government won't even give your attorneys the evidence they have against you! This is similar to them going against the CIA and anyone else who has sworn to protect us from TERRORISTS! If you think this autocrat bordering dictator president has hit a new low, think again! Read tomorrows blog on how they are jacking up the taxes, gave OUR credit card ANOTHER all time boost of 1.8 Trillion and bringing this country to its knees! This gentleman from Savannah, Georgia, tells it like it is and we should all be as outraged as he is at this cowardly government that was too politically correct, even tho they were watching him, protect our men & women of our armed forces from this TERRORIST! It seems to me that muslims and terrorists in this country get better treatment than we do. Check out this video below people: 

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